Monday, 27 October 2014

Esperanto: a rare but alive language

Publicado el 13/8/2013
Esperanto: a rare but alive language

France 24 report takes you today in the small town of Saint-Martin-d'Arcé, where Esperantists from all around the world gather to celebrate their language and to give this language new perspectives. A wise mix of Polish, French, English and German, this language, spoken by 100 000 people throughout the world seems in the need of a new push. Despite its universal core, it lacks celebrity and most importantly, visibility. 

Esperanto - The most successful made-up language (The Feed)

Publicado el 27/11/2013
Just hearing snippets of Richard and Kiah talking you'd be forgiven for thinking you were listening to a Spanish or German conversation. But if you listen closely you'll realise this language is somewhere in between.
Richard and Kiah are part of a group of just a few hundred Australians who speak a made up language called Esperanto.